How beautiful are the flowers here!

Cool Wedding Photo Backdrops in Sheffield

If you’re looking for the perfect spot for your wedding photos in Sheffield that truly epitomises the city, we’ve put together a little list of some of our favourite places. You will look back on your wedding day and remember what a great day it was and what a great city you chose to marry in…


Sheffield Town Hall

You can actually get married here! It officially opened in 1897 with Queen Victoria in attendance. It reminds us of Hogwarts with its traditional Victorian architecture.

Beautiful Sheffield Town Hall is a wedding venue!
Beautiful Sheffield Town Hall is a wedding venue!


The Peak District

The Peak District is of course right on your doorstep too with its winding paths and roads, beautiful open countryside and gorgeous little towns filled with wedding venues.

Sunset at Mam Tor, Peak District National Park, with a view along the winding road down to Hope Valey, in Derbyshire, England.
Sunset at Mam Tor, Peak District National Park, with a view along the winding road down to Hope Valey, in Derbyshire.


Beauchief Abbey

Such a unique monument, Beauchief Abbey was founded at the end of the 12th Century and has had numerous changes and additions made to it throughout all following centuries. 

Such a unique landmark!
Such a unique landmark!


Sheffield Cathedral

A list of brilliant photo opportunities in Sheffield would not be complete without Sheffield Cathedral of course. It is one of only three Grade I listed structures in the whole city with origins in 1280.

We couldn't leave out the Cathedral!
We couldn’t leave out the Cathedral!


Manor Lodge

Built at the beginning of the 16th century and known for the imprisonment of Mary Queen of Scots, Manor Lodge hosts weddings and is surrounded by beautiful fields of flowers making it great for wedding photos!

How beautiful are the flowers here!
How beautiful are the flowers here!


Whirlowbrook Hall

This stunning landmark has become best known for its stunning gardens and grounds making it the ideal detour to take photos in, not to mention the Hall in the background from the 1900s.

A grand hall for grand wedding photos.
A grand hall for grand wedding photos.


Cholera Monument

Although the name is pretty grim, this beautiful monument is very important, marking the lives of the victims of the cholera epidemic. It’s a very unique feature to Sheffield and makes a unique wedding photo!

An important monument that creates a unique backdrop.
An important monument that creates a unique backdrop.


Sheffield Botanical Gardens

We couldn’t love this beauty out! Although buildings in and around Sheffield are beautiful, we feel that it’s the nature and natural beauty that make for the best wedding photos, so where better than the city’s very own botanical gardens!

The botanical gardens are certain to be beautiful.
The botanical gardens are certain to be beautiful.



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